Being a facilitator by profession is a privilege, not only because I have the opportunity to meet wonderful people, and to support them in their journey of inner growth, but also because it gives me the opportunity to be confronted with my own limitations, and be encouraged to "walk the talk" or embody what I teach.
One of the teachings that is closest to my heart is the work on Archetypes and in this newsletter I want to reveal to you some secrets of this fascinating world.

Introduced by Carl Jung in the mid 900', he defined them as universal and innate models derived from the collective unconscious. Today, archetypes are recognized as a fundamental part of the human narrative, present in all civilizations: from Greek gods to Christian saints, from the totem animals of the Inca, to the myths of Australian aborigines.
Archetypes are concrete figures that represent and embody a set of characteristics and behaviors to refer to.
We meet them from childhood in fairy tales, where they help to convey a message and represent a set of values (positive or negative) that children can easily understand. They accompany us throughout adolescence and adult life. Video games, movies, and fantasy books are rich in archetypes.
Even in politics, archetypes influence us. The choice of a candidate can be determined by the archetype that he or she represents for us and that we feel the need for.
For example, in a period of uncertainty and difficulty, such as the current one, there are those who feel the need for a strong archetype, representing security and direction, such as the Warrior, or even the Tyrant. Others instead need an archetype posed, understanding and wise that calms the minds and fears: the archetype of the benevolent King, or the Healer.
And in relationships? Again, archetypes are protagonists!
And you, what is the archetype you usually look for in a partner or mate?
This dynamic linked to archetypes is extremely powerful and capable of influencing our choices on an unconscious level. This can work in our favor if we are aware of it and take responsibility, but also to our detriment if ignored.
It is for this reason that in Playfight we integrate the work on the archetypes in the fight, then not only at the conceptual level but embodying and feeling them at the body level.
When we become aware of the archetype that moves me, or better, of the archetypal force alive in me, I can first of all better understand the origin of my actions and behaviors. Then I can decide if that archetype is useful to me at that moment, or if it is limiting me, and in that case change and embody another one.
Playfight provides a safe space in which to immerse myself in this journey of inner discovery, and achieve an awareness that I can carry into everyday life.
During the Playfight events of 2022 we want to give more space to work on archetypes, starting in January, during the Italian Playfight Immersion. An opportunity to explore the relationship between archetypes and emotions, and through dedicated exercises, learn how to use archetypes in the challenges of everyday life.
The invitation is open!
From January 2 to 6, immersed in the woods of the Ligurian mountains we will have the first
If you want to learn how to use archetypes professionally, to follow the immersion there will be the Facilitator Training. An opportunity to learn not only how to facilitate Playfight circles, but also how to improve your communication, feedback, active listening, conflict transformation. Elements you can integrate into your everyday life and the work you already do.
While on the homepage you can also find the dates of events abroad.
I'm ready to dive into my archetypes and wrestle lovingly with you. How about you?