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Playfight is


February 15, 2020

Hi all,

I don't know how's there but here in Portugal today there were 38 degrees!
Maybe this heat melted my shyness but I finally decided to reach out and share about something very dear to my heart.

In 2015 was starting my journey to bring together my work as a coach, my passion for body expression, and my longing to rediscover a simple and untainted way of being and relating.
In an organic process of development the unique lineage of bodywork called Playfight was born. A safe space that works as a catalyzer of transformation and healing. A practice that combine mindfulness, play and conscious fighting.


Yes fighting! In Playfight we do fight but never hurting each other and without any winner or loser. We fight for our values, for overcoming our blockages and we fight for Connection. A deep connection with ourselves, our emotions and other human beings. All of this by engaging with our strength, feeling the opposition of the other one and the love beneath.

I know it might sound very strange. That's why I thought a video might help to feel what I'm talking about!

What do you think about it?
I'd love to know how Playfight resonates in you.

Warmly, or better, hotly,

Matteo Tangi